Short Example in PDF of
7-Dimensional eCommunications


>> Click HERE to download the Short Example for the Presentation. It is a PDF file format.


"Effective Human to Human electronic Communications"
With the advent of the eMail and SmartPhone eTexting, the question arises: are we communicating effectively with each other as Humans, or communicating ineffectively as computer-type personalities and “@-signers” of electronic (e) Communications?
Question: If you really want to communicate an important idea to another Human, why not impact all of that person’s Human attributes to fully transmit your message’s meaning and to get their full attention?
If you really did that, the other person would better focus on and understand the message you are communicating, take appropriate action, and respond to you.
This short example and Template Tool were written for a Writers group in Sun City Huntley. It will demonstrate a 7-D eCommunication utilizing an eVideo format.
This Example should prove useful to readers who want to gain familiarity with 7-D eCommunications and with the use of a SmartPhone (such as an iPhone 4) to develop and send such messages.

All downloads and pages are now available for your use.
We just have migrated to utilize the Microsoft 365 offerings.
To make this web site more useful to you, we will be converting it
to utilize 7-D eCommunication Concepts.
Until then this site is a static Web 1.0 level presentation.
Thank you for your understanding and patience.