Model Caregivers
And Modern Caregivers


Joseph, a model Caregiver
we can all learn from

Click for eBook >> Celebrating Joseph


There are many types of helpful caregivers.
Let’s look at three:
> Personal Caregivers
> Spiritual Caregivers
> Organizational Caregivers

Click for eBook >>
Caregivers and
the Cycle of Life


These eBooks are
7-Dimensional eCommunications

music videos
interactive tours

on site photos
"Thus, this spacecraft mission proves that NASA and its wise, dedicated people are caregivers for Earth, for us, and for our descendants. So that the cycle of life and love may continue."


These web pages, articles, and the eBook and story are for personal education, non-profit, and “fair use” only, and are not to be used for profit. Every eBook is made available free of charge. This website contains no commercials nor advertisements.

All copyrights are the property of the respective owners of: text, graphics, art works, maps, references, Bibles, articles, tours, and commentary, as well as of electronic information, images, photos, music, videos, dramatizations, audio readings, performances, and movies and all material at LINK sites included herein.

* Graphics and pictures of space & objects are courtesy of NASA, NASA-TV, or United Launch Alliance (ULA).

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