Updated: 2017

eBook sent on OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft

NASA placed over 7,000 artworks including this eBook on its OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft which successfully launched September 8, 2016

Click LINK below to download the PDF of the Introduction and English eBook Artwork for the OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft submitted to NASA by Ken Kozy.

It includes a brief description of
7-Dimensional eCommunication Concepts.



Author’s eBook sent aboard the successful NASA Spacecraft launch

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) confirmed that all submitted Artwork was included in the memory bank of a future spacecraft. This included Ken Kozy's eBook. This unmanned mission is the OSIRIS-REx (Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security - Regolith Explorer). It will be the first U.S.A. mission to collect a sample of an asteroid, return that to Earth for study, and continue on into space as a time capsule.

On September 8, 2016 this spacecraft was launched from Cape Canavaral Air Force Base in Florida. In two years it will become a “friendly visitor” to an asteroid named Bennu where it will perform a scientific study of the asteroid with its state-of-the-art instruments.

In 2023, the vehicle will drop off its surface sample to earth. Then, the spacecraft will continue into outer space orbiting the sun. According to Dante Lauretta, principal investigator for OSIRIS-REx at the University of Arizona, Tucson, “It will stay in space for millennia.”


Artist’s conception of the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft at Bennu

Credit: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

How does this spacecraft’s mission affect us today? Well, NASA invited the world to submit artwork which OSIRIS-REx will carry in the spacecraft’s memory chips forever. Based upon their invitation, Sun City Huntley Illinois resident, Ken Kozy, submitted his digital artwork of creative prose and photos to NASA.

The submissions included his eBook:

A Baby Changes Our World - A Christmas Nativity Story.
It appears in 7 languages - English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, German, and Chinese. These languages are spoken, read, or written by over 30% of the population of Earth. Therefore, these computer-generated translations could serve as a “Rosetta Stone” in some future millennia whenever the spacecraft is discovered.

The discoverers should be able to read the eBook and learn about the Nativity of Jesus Christ which occurred over 2,000 years before today – a belief held by over 2.2 billion of Earth’s current population.

In his 258 pages of digital artwork, Kozy included a photograph related to the story which creatively summarized the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus. He incorporated his

Brief Introduction to 7-Dimensional eCommunication Concepts which were utilized in development of the eBook and identified essential communication characteristics of today's humankind for the spacecraft’s discoverers. He added a prayer and blessing for the people of NASA Administrationd their mission to safeguard the earth from impacts of asteroids.

Three years ago, the Bennu asteroid passed closely to Earth. Bennu is big and looks like a rocky globe which has a diameter of about 1,600 feet (492 meters, almost 1/3 mile).

If its predicted 436-day solar orbit path continue, this asteroid probably will not hit earth until 2182. And then, what a BANG and destruction it potentially could make if we collide! So, it’s worth the tax monies for the $800 million (plus) budget to visit it, study it, analyze its composition, and determine how to change its course. The asteroid also may hold clues to the origin of the solar system and the source of the water and organic molecules that may have made their way to Earth to begin "life." Science will also study the effects of the Sun on the asteroid's orbit.

We can all wonder: who will be the discoverers of the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft orbiting the Sun thousands of years from now? What will they think as they analyze and understand the contents of this time capsule?

Will the spacecraft be “re-discovered” by future humans or by visitors from outer space? After all, who knows what wonders God has created in our Universe? We are just now finding out about some of them via our space telescopes and explorations.

The submission to NASA included a prayer and blessing for the people of NASA along with 3 creative photos.


Read a Blessing for NASA People and View 3 Explorer Photos

For more information from NASA about the OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft Mission






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